Children and young people involved in the arts should:
- have a sense of ownership and control in the process;
- have a sense of possibility, transformation and change – that the process is not closed with pre-planned outcomes;
- feel safe in the process, and know that no matter what they do, they will not be exposed to ridicule, relentless testing, or the fear of being wrong;
- feel the process can be individual, co-operative or both;
-feel they are working in an environment that welcomes their home cultures, backgrounds, heritages and languages;
- feel that what they are making or doing matters – that the activity has status within the school and beyond;
- be encouraged and enabled to find audiences for their work;
- be encouraged to think of the arts as including or involving investigation, invention, discovery, play and co-operation and to think that these happen within the actual doing, but also in the talk, commentary and critical dialogue that goes on around the activity itself.